Been listening to joshua radin, ingrid michaelson and indie arie. love their songs and soothing voices ;)
Today is our first day of new block(yep, no holidays after last block exam, as always, sigh). it just felt awkward for a while, can't erase the bad memory i had on the previous occasion i guess. Monday blues...worsen by the too early introduction lecture at 7am. huh.
Got a new name ; miss kedekut, by my group mate. sheesh. I've been bullied by him and his gossiper friend which happened to be my batch mate. as i can recalled, i was the one who start to tease him around, but then, now they are turning the tables and I'm the one who've been bullied. duh.
I'm supposed to write a work plan for tomorrow's skill lab session tonight, but then since we haven't received the material for tomorrow, no work plan! yeah! boleh qada' tidur setelah semalam berjaga untuk membuat laporan. but I'm thinking of continue my half-read novel, Tuesdays with Morrie. I've been postponing it for about 2months.
ok la.night night :)
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