Saturday, May 16

Sweet Teeth ;)

After about a year, akhirnya... Dini treats me, as what she promised last year. went to Rumah Cokelat this noon and i believed we're the first customer since it only opens at 12noon, ehehe ;]
This morning we were having a 'Klinik Sabtu Sehat'. a group of senior citizen from Ngadiwinatan came to our Med Faculty for a light aerobic and a free medical check-up from us(monitored by the Doctors of course). my patient was this cute little 79 years-old man, Pak Darmowiyoto. hehe. i think he reminds me a lot of my late greatgrandpa. he was such a quite, but kind-hearted and always generous with his smile :'). things went well with the anamnesis part, but i think i need more practices on the skill part. i should take a pic with him...hmmm...

Straight away after the programme, Hanim and me went to Pondok Cabe. Lapar laa. They didn't supply us food or even just a light snack. haish. then, we went to Rumah Cokelat with Dini and Dina. Thanks Din(s) ;)

Oh yea... Special thanks to Pqah, Yon and Hanim for their birthday presents. terima kasih korang ;)

a lovely bracelet from Pqah and Yon + a cute heart from Hanim ;)
Extremely exhausting day! wew, I guess it's time to day goodnight. sweet dream people! :)

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