Sunday, June 13


At times, when you compared yourself to others, especially to girls with such perfections ; Beauty, brainiac and bright, you'll keep on searching for their lackings, there must be any, somewhere. But only to realised that you were way behind them. Dream on. You might never be in their league.

I believe that people are born with their own special talent. Look for that. Look into yourself. Deep down, you're special. Maybe not to everyone, but to those who see you they way others don't. Cheers babyyy!

"We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"

-Anyone else but you by The Moldy Peaches-


  1. hehe.. "those who see u THE way others dont"
    she's pretty.. she's smart.. n u think u dont have dat quality? naah~ u r way better than them,k.. semangat~~! :P

  2. hahaha...
    i dah agak u akan komen bcoz u saw i was writing tadi kan?hehe..
    thanks hanim <3
