21st October 2011
Forensic Department makes me become paranoid, or perhaps in a nicer description, extra careful. I do not own a bicycle, let alone a motorbike. Have been the passanger for few years, still I cannot find my confidence to drive (well, maybe if it's my own bike, or when I drive alone). Minor accidents and incidents have psychologically traumatized me, and cost me some amount of money *sobs*.21st October 2011
But then somehow, you gotta do things on your own and stop depending too much on people, so I there I was, on the phone with my parents, trying to propose the idea og me having a bike. My dad said yes IF, if only it is used for short distance travel. I could not lie to him, so I told him the distance from here to immigration (the second place most visited after Sardjito). I got a NO. Expected. Accepted. Unquestionable.
27 October 2011
27 October 2011
Got a simple text from my Abah followed by a call from Mama while my group was discussing about exam questions. These make my heart melts, to the extent of which I have to control my tears from streaming down. Alhamdulillah.
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