Sunday, October 24


First time dikala waktu nak exam tak terdeviate untuk tengok cerita or drama! Bangga ;)
Tapi tetap terpesong dari buku dan lecture notes sebab kejap-kejap bukak facebook, youtube, twitter(time study week la tetiba aktif balik -_-"). Haish.

Semua budak-budak JPA waktu-waktu ni mesti tengah menghitung hari bila la nak masuk duit. Almaklumlah memang dah nak dekat hujung bulan dah ni.

Most of the study week I was at home, so I don't have to think about daily budget for eating out and such. I even almost forget that my purse is getting thinner since I didn't really take a peek into it while at home. But when I went out, being penniless strike out on me. I was so embarrassed to ask people out and that is no exception with my bf as well. When he asked where I'd like to dine for example, I suddenly go mute. I was too shy to ask for anything knowing that I couldn't afford to pay for it.

After our 4.1 exam paper we went out for a late lunch with a bunch of my Indonesian colleagues. Again, he paid for my food. Then we went for a movie RED(Retired : Extremely Dangerous). Since we have about half an hour before the movie started we went out searching for drinks and takoyaki at the nearest Giant. It was really disturbing to see all those price tags. Rasa macam sangat tak mampu. Nak pilih air apa pun tak tahu. Aqua botol kecik pun teragak-agak nak ambik. Terkedu.

Sekarang ni kalau rasa bosan nak ajak sape-sape keluar pun malas(baca:segan). Malas nak ingatkan diri sendiri tengah pokai. Malas nak sedih-sedih pikir lebih-lebih pasal duit. Dan kalau boleh tak nak pergi money changer convert Ringgit kepada Rupiah. Malas nak suruh parent susah-susah bank in duit. Dan malas nk sms cousin banyak-banyak kali suruh dia transfer duit sebab dia berhutang haritu.

P/s : Maluuuu sangat nak mintak apa-apa from parents sebab result teruk macam hape kan -_-"


  1. duuhhh. aku rasa macam kau pernah tulis pasal benda ni jer sebelum ni. Kan dah cakap, kalau segan nak mintak apa2, mintak kat aku. Buat apa nak segan. InsyAllah aku tolong. Takkan tomo jeles pulak kan. -_- haha' kita kan groupmates yg sejati. hehe'

  2. haha..A'ah..aku penah je tulis sekali pasal takdak duit ni..hehe
    Takpe sudin,tomo pun ckp boleh je pinjam duit dia,aku je segan.Takpe,duit tak lama lagi masuk la tu ;) aku boleh bertahan hehe

  3. haha'.
    ana, aku rasa apa yang ko rasa. rasa macam nak tido sepanjang hari supaya tak yah fikir nak makan apa. sengal. hoho
    sehinggalah hari ni. (baca: JPA dah msuk duit! yeay!!)
