- My first trial of making 'ayam percik' *luckily we don't have ayam percik here,so he won't be able to compare my cooking with the one yang lagiii best..HAHAHAHAHAt*
(okay...sekarang rasa rindu nak balik umah!makan makan makan :) )
- Winning against '06/'05 team :))
This is the very first time we won a GOLD medal in Jogja! Good game girlssss! After all the pushings,their tarik2 tricks, we WON! I'm proud of our achievement! Go Tiger Lily! WOOOT!
*oh yeah baby~ best gile menang sampai rasa macam nak melompat-lompat, dah tak kesah kalau nampak macam beruk pon! ngahaha XD*
**sekali tengok dah macam nak bergusti je main tadi..hishh**
- Kakak (my youngest sister) got 10 A's in her PMRU! I'm proud of you! She is a brilliant,graceful girl,and not to mention she's the most beautiful among us kot...
I was on the phone just now, talking to everyone.
Abah was like,"tu Mama suruh call,dia nak bagitaw pasal result kakak". Then he gave the phone to my mom.
Mama was asking whether my ayam percik jadi ke tak...Jadi la ma...tapi macam terlebih serai plak sikit..sikit je..nanti balik nak belajar buat tumis nasi kerabu pulak! hee :D
Amai was congratulating me for winning futsal :)
Kakak..well, as usual, she didn't ask for any present when I asked what she wants for getting 10 A's (cuba kalau tanya Amai, he would give a long list of things that he wants as his present.oh ye! belum sempat tanya kot,terus mintak! haha)
Lala told me that Mama and Abah saw Tomo's picture (our picture actually, yang celebrate birthday Dibah tu :|)
Oh. And here is the sweetheart of the family, Fawwaz.. He was telling me about his bicycle, that he also want to ride on a plane, asking for Yaya...bla3...*I actually understand tiny part of his story since his pronunciation is not that understandable yet..haha..Mama tolong translate kan nanti for him*
and Fawwaz would end his phone conversation with, "Buh-bye! Goodnite! Love uuuu!", eventhough di siang hari!hahahaha
MISS MISS MISS THEM! Can't wait to go backkkkk! :)
oiittt ur buddy nk gak ayam percik.. huhu.. btw congrates to 'kakak' great lar.. good job.. ngantok... =_="
ReplyDeletesuch a cute family u have dear.
ReplyDeletecongrats on the winning.n happy new year =)
fawwaz sgt comel.. dia mesti dah hafal teks b4 habiskan perbualan. sbb tu dia lupa siang ke malam :P
ReplyDeletehahaha.biasa la,kanak-kanak riang :D