Saturday, September 12

Amr Diab

'We Malo' by Amr Diab

Part 1:
و مالو لو ليلة تهنا بعيد...
We malo law leila tohna baeed...
So what if we got lost one night...
و سبنا كل الناس
We sebna kol el nas?
And left everyone behind?

أنا يا حبيبي حاسس بحب جديد...
Ana, ya habibi, hassis be hob gideed.
My darling, I feel a new love.
ماليني ده الإحساس
Malini dah el ihsas.
You have filled me with this feeling.

و انا هنا جنبي أغلي الناس...
We ana hinna ganbi aghla el nas.
And here, I am beside the most precious person.
أنا جنبي أحلي الناس
Ana ganbi ahla el nas.
I am beside the most beautiful person.
(Repeat Part 1)

Chorus 1:
حبيبي ليلة تعالي ننسي فيها اللي راح
Habibi leilah taala ninsa feeha elli rah.
Darling, tonight, let us forget all that is past.
تعالي جوة حضني و ارتاح
Taalla gowa hodni we irtah.
Stay in my embrace and relax.
دي ليلة تسوي كل الحياة
De leilah tiswa kol el haya.
This night is worth the rest of my life.

Chorus 2:
مالي غيرك و لولا حبك حعيش لمين
Mali gheirak we lola hobak haeesh le meen?
There is nobody else for me but you and without you, I would have no reason to live.
حبيبي جاية أجمل سنين
Habibi gaya agmal sineen.
Darling, the best years are coming.
و كل ماده تحلي الحياة
We kol mada tihla el haya.
And every day, life will get better.
Part 2:
حبيبي ألمس إيديا...
Habibi, ilmis eidaya...
Darling, touch my hand...
عشان أصدق اللي أنا فيه
Ashan asadaq elli ana feeh.
So that I may believe what is going on.

ياما كان نفسي أقابلك بقالي زمان...
Yama kan nifsi aqablak baqali zaman.
For so long I had wished to meet you.
خلاص وهحلم ليه؟
Khalas we hahlam leih?
And now, there is no need to dream.

مانا هنا جنبي أغلي الناس...
Mana ana hinna ganbi aghla el nas.
I am already here, beside the most precious person.
أنا جنبي أحلي الناس
Ana ganbi ahla el nas.
I am beside the most beautiful person.

I think this is the 2nd song of Amr diab that i could play over and over again.Thanks to my sis for introducing this song. Besides We Malo, Tamaally Maak is one of his great songs ;)

Friday, September 11

Let's talk biostatic language!

Honestly, i just can't wait to end this hectic block! Though we're now in this Holy month of the year, still our schedule is so packed that my classes only ended after 2pm (especially this week)! We need to make appoinments with our research method's doctor and our presentation's doctors at their convenience.

Yesterday was my clinically simulated problem session. I was not that well prepared, and with my change of voice recently, it just worsened the condition. At the end of the session, suddenly the doctor brought up the Indo-Malay issue. See, even orang bijak pandai dan berilmu tinggi pon boleh berfikiran tertutup, let alone the others.

Biostatistics is filling my mind that i think i might explode soon. Mind-blowing! But then, we're going back for Raya this week!!!! So I guess I can endure with it for this time being.

as for my beloved Intermed '07,
happy holiday

selamat hari raya
maaf zahir batin :)

p/s : my 'dragon' voice seems getting better. hooray!

Wednesday, September 2

Going 3rd!

seeing those 1st year juniors filling the inter building,
makes me realize that i'm now a 3rd year student,
a 3rd year senior.


Tuesday, September 1


laugh all you can
but you still feel empty inside

put that fake smile
but still,there are dark,cloudy thoughts in mind

i know, i know
just be tough, stay strong.

HE'll always be with you,
along the way :)